COVID 19 Does Dr Fauci lied

COVID-19: Does Dr. Fauci lied?

As in the last two years of his tenure (he left in 2022) at the helm of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, eminent immunologist Anthony Fauci has been under attack for several days, mostly from conservatives and Republicans.

An extraordinary career

Before we get to the reasons for this particularly harsh criticism, it’s important to recall the distinguished career of a scholar who has advised many governments, both Republican and Democratic. The one presidents called Tony, his diminutive, had a universal reputation before the pandemic.

A member of many prestigious associations, the octogenarian has served his fellow citizens and contributed to the advancement of research around the world, but we also owe him the development of several therapies that have helped save lives.

As has been the case with too many scientists, Fauci found himself in the thick of things at the height of the pandemic. Between the very legitimate concerns of a shaken population and the delirium of the conspirators, he fell into the partisan game and found himself at the center of an increasingly political leadership.

Instead of retiring in glory, he still has to contend with elected Republicans in the House of Representatives who give too much room to their radical elements.

A liar and a concealer?

You may already know that he was accused of seemingly contradictory statements for two years. Was wearing a mask desirable? Why advise against hydroxychloroquine, a ‘miracle drug’ prescribed elsewhere?

Carried away by fear and panic, many people have forgotten that scientists are not magicians, that they had to react quickly by revising certain hypotheses, learning about the virus and its mutations in the field and not in the laboratory. .

As a good researcher, Anthony Fauci was always willing to answer questions and, in addition to his usual duties, conducted media trips and a large number of press conferences.

If he returns to the limelight, it’s because Republicans are examining the handling of COVID-19, but also its origins. They pounced on a new Department of Energy report like smallpox on the lower clergy.

What did this report say? Without sufficient evidence, we recalled what we already knew, which was that the virus could have spread after a lab leak.

Why go after Fauci? Because he would have done anything to reject this thesis, even going so far as to use his influence to silence collaborators. If the immunologist is guilty of anything, he must rely on science.

It’s likely, especially given China’s lack of transparency, that we’ll never be sure about the origin of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, the most serious and extensive studies (here or here) point in the direction of an animal origin.

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