1667483845 Covid Melonis leitmotif Italy is the country that has had

Covid, Meloni’s leitmotif: ‘Italy is the country that has had the most restrictions and the most deaths’ Here’s what the data says

Giorgia Meloni he repeated it as one mantra in the election campaign, then again as the new prime minister: Italy had more blocking from all and more dead from all. A concept that he also reiterated in the last press conference after the Council of Ministers, in which he accused the previous governments of an “ideological approach” to dealing with the pandemic. “Something went wrong – said Meloni – DieItaly it is the country that took the action more restrictive in absolute numbers and at the same time exhibits the highest mortality rates”. Is he right? The data agree no.

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there mortality for Covid-19 in Italy since vaccination began Average of values ​​in neighboring European countries about 1.7 deaths per 1,000 population. The mathematician writes it down John Sebastiani, the Institute for Computer Applications “M. Picone” of the National Research Council (Cnr). “The Analysis of Data of Covid-19 mortality from the start of vaccination until now in European countries adjacent to Italy and therefore for different reasons rather comparable With ours, it shows that the value of our country is equal Average in the group of 11 countries considered,” observes the expert.

Here are the values the number of deaths since then January 1, 2021 to the October 29, 2022on the last day the data was published by the government: Croatia 3.2 deaths per 1,000 population, Greece (2.8), Slovenia (2.0), Portugal (1.8), Italy (1.7), Austria (1.5), France, Spain and Germany (1.4), Albania (0.8) and Swiss (0.7). “The average of these values ​​is 1.7 deaths per 1,000 population. coincidentally with the value of Italy, in contradiction with what the Prime Minister Meloni has said in recent days, ”notes Sebastiani. “It is also important to note – he concludes – that in United Kingdomwhere since May 2021, previously elsewhere in Europe, the more reopenings consistentthe mortality rate from then to the end of 2021 more than 50% than those of Italy”.

The analysis by mathematician Sebastiani examines the period from early 2021 to the present. That 2020 In fact, it is the year that Covid swept the entire world, hitting Italy before almost any other country. Still, as he recalled in Repubblica Walter RicciardiHygienist at the Cattolica and former adviser to the former Minister Roberto Hope“The data shows that we have been in 2020 fifths in the world for the number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, behind countries like Peru and Belgium”. No negative records. Overall, Italy is from early 2020 to date 24 by number of deaths per a million resident, according to figures released by the University of Oxford when they updated their world. That United States and the kingdom Unitedas well as Brazil, Greece, Croatia and Hungary (to name just a few countries) had one higher mortality from Italy.