COVID: The emergency room is now overcrowded

COVID. The word is also gradually being forgotten. Those of governments and, by ripple effect, ours too. However, according to many experts, the reality is far apart. The pandemic is persistent and ongoing.

With its increasingly contagious variants. his dead. Its recurring increase in hospitalizations. Its reinfections multiply, leaving serious physical or neurological consequences in more and more people.

If the pandemic continues, it will also be because in the West most policy and health policy makers have limited themselves to minimal services for the past few months.

Get out of the precautionary principle. They lift the hygiene measures. So that so-called normal life and the economy can resume. Even if this normality is only apparent.

Minimal service

Minimal service also means talking less and less about the pandemic.

Except briefly when another wave shows up.

Like Health Minister Christian Dubé and Dr. Luc Boileau, National Director of Public Health, yesterday in their first joint press conference since February.

In the West, minimal service is simply advising people to be careful. Wearing the mask if they “personally” feel it is necessary. Good luck to the weakest.

We suggest that they wear a mask and do not go to restaurants, cinemas, etc.

In short, to put yourself under a glass bell because hygiene measures are no longer mandatory for everyone.

The minimum benefit is to offer those infected with COVID the opportunity to isolate themselves for a few days without financially supporting less well-off workers.

It is proposed to receive another dose of vaccine based on a ‘decision tree’.

The situation is “under control for the time being”. However, the emergencies are overcrowded.

operations are cancelled. Thousands of healthcare workers are missing because they are contaminated in the same community where sanitation is no longer in place. Not to mention the importance of ventilation, which nobody talks about.

Responsible and supportive

After all, the minimum service is to congratulate Western policymakers on making the same mistakes in unison. Not surprisingly, their own fatigue fuels ours and vice versa.

As soon as we lifted the mask requirement in transport and closed public places, almost all people removed them immediately. How can you blame them for doing what they have the right to do? Non-binding, only a tiny minority wears it.

While this simple measure is not infallible, it has been shown, along with others, to help slow the spread of COVID. In the West, on the other hand, decision-makers judged that voters no longer wanted it. This is where the anti-mask movements have had a following.

However, we cannot imagine that the same governments would abolish seat belts because they restrict our “freedom”.

They don’t do it because it saves a lot of lives.

Given COVID, the same logic should still apply to known measures.

Policymakers are urging us to learn to ‘live with COVID’. So why abandon measures that are not only simple, but would allow it to be done in a more responsible and consistent way?

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