Cramers Lighting Round Stay Away by HF Sinclair

Cramer's Lightning Round: “Move on” by Tidewater

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Cheniere Energy's year-to-date stock performance.

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Tidewater's year-to-date stock performance.

Tidewater: “It's moved too much… I say get away from Tidewater.”

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Costco's year-to-date stock performance.

Costco: “Long term it's great… I know it can take damage, it's been hit regularly and you have to have room to be able to buy more, that's the nature of the beast… I think you.” “You are in great condition, you just don’t get to see it every day.”

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Essential Properties' year-to-date stock performance.

Key Features: “…I like the letter 'O', that's the letter I've researched the most, Realty Income, and stood behind, and it's been a nice run, and I'll stay” with that .”

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Biomea Fusion's year-to-date stock performance.

Biomea Fusion: “You should buy it. That's a spec, and if you can set aside enough money so that it doesn't hurt you if it goes to zero, then do it. Because a lot of them get offers.”

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