Cristian has the lowest BBB 23 elimination percentage yet Splash

Cristian was the fifth eliminated by BBB 23 (Globo) in a paredão against Fred Desimpedidos and Ricardo. The businessman had 48.32% of the vote the lowest elimination rate in the issue to date. Ricardo had 40.39% and Fred 11.29%.

A total of 93,462,107 votes were calculated for fifth place at the Gshow. The public who voted for it Survey UOL did not agree with the result.

In “BatePapo BBB” (Globoplay) Cristian commented on his percentage.

“I thought there was a higher percentage because of the dynamics of the house…” he said.

“I was disfellowshipped and thought I should have played a bad game. That’s what they think in the house,” he added.

Check below The BBB 23 Elimination Percentage Ranking:

1. Paula (4th wall which was quadruple) 72.50%

2. Tine (3rd wall) 54.12%

3.Gabriel Fop (2nd wall) 53.30%

4. Marilia (1st wall) 52.70%

5. Christian (5th wall) 48.32%

POLL BBB 23: Who is hated most after Cristian’s elimination?

BBB 23: Get to know the participants