Cristiano Iovino Ilary Blasis alleged lover breaks the silence

Cristiano Iovino, Ilary Blasi’s alleged “lover” breaks the silence

Cristiano Iovinoa personal trainer and influencer with a statuesque physique, has decided to deny rumors that they’re seeing him around Ilary Blasi.

The moderator of the Isola dei Famosi and her almost ex-husband Francesco Toti For months they have filled the front pages of the newspapers with the story of their breakup. If at the beginning both went to great lengths to protect their three children, chanels, Christian and Isabel keep a maximum of secrecy, today more than in peace They seem to be officially at war.

On the side of the former centurion of Rome came out the name of an alleged lover, Noemi Bocchi. She would have met the doll on the paddle courts, a passion they both shared. However, from the side of the Roman presenter, the name of Bel came out Cristiano Iovino. The ex-boyfriend of Zoe Christofoli decided to comment on this in an official press release:

Commenting on the articles published by the press over the past few days, Mr. Cristiano Iovino he tells all information operators not to give credit to those who point to him. With and through false and instrumental reconstructions, as the protagonist of events to which he is totally alien ». iovine Furthermore: “He states that he only knows Ms Blasi as a friend of mutual acquaintances, including her agent Graziella Lopedota.