Crossing may be closed and replaced sooner than

“Crossing” may be closed and replaced sooner than expected

Jade Picon and Chay Suede in

Jade Picon and Chay Suede in Crossing; Telenovela could be closed prematurely and replaced by a new feature by Walcyr Carrasco (Photo: Estevam Avellar/Globo)

With low ratings and negative impact on social networks “Crossing“, Globo’s new 9 p.m. soap opera may be closed and replaced by “Terra Vermelha”, the next production of Walcyr Carrascobefore the predicted.

According to the Notícias da TV website, the new soap opera has been in production since earlier this month and is set to premiere on April 10 next year, with filming starting in February.

However, with the changes, recording would begin in early January as the lyrics and choice of locations are at an advanced stage. According to the vehicle, too, the low number of spectators was already to be expected due to the election period, which could extend to the World Cup and the celebrations at the end of the year.

This was also expected of Gloria Perez, author of the telenovela, who, speaking to the press at the launch of Travessia, admitted that the electoral period was one of the biggest challenges to overcome at launch: “People are more interested in seeing something about politics than the telenovela. It’s a time of the second ballot, the soccer championships, the World Cup,” he said.

Competition with “All Flowers”

“Travessia” is also facing an audience feud with “All the Flowers,” a new globo soap opera that debuted with little difference to Gloria Perez’s soap opera, which may have ended public interest in the starring storyline Chay suede, Jade Picon and Lucy Alve.

The “rivalry” between the two products is a result of the broadcaster’s own disclosure. Before the premieres, Globo announced the two telenovelas at the same time and adjusted their quality. The many commercials for “All Flowers” in prime time, even after the appearance of “Travessia”, were rated as competition motivated by the house.

What didn’t work out with “Travessia”.

Prior to the premiere, promotion of “Travessia” revolved around the controversial casting of Jade, which diverted focus from the soap opera’s main plot. But that is far from the question. A combination of factors explain the public’s disappointment with Gloria Perez’s telenovela.

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The protagonist, for example, has conquered the rancidity of the viewers. Despite the good work of Lucy Alves, the girl’s naivety is incomprehensible. In a storyline that talks about the metaverse and other technological terms, it’s hard to swallow a character who stays away from her family and is practically pronounced dead because she shows no signs of life and doesn’t remember her phone at home .

Lucy Alves plays Brisa in it

Lucy Alves plays Brisa in Travessia (Photo: Paulo Belote/Globo)

The excess of slang in the texts of young characters has also had a negative impact. Chiara, played by Jade Picon, suffers the most from the syndrome. In her debut work in dramaturgy, the former BBB was criticized for her extremely forced “carioca accent”.

To top it off, the main pairs do not connect. If Gloria Perez intended to see the public cheer for Ari (Chay Suede) and Brisa (Lucy Alves), now she can get the little horse out of the rain. In “All Flowers”, meanwhile, hatred of the villain Vanessa (Leticia Colin) is awakened in the first scenes. Supporting Rafael (Humberto Carrão) and Maíra (Sophie Charlotte) is almost a civic duty. Not to mention the author João Emanuel Carneiro’s responsibility to address visual impairments with due diligence.