1694578712 Cruise ship stranded in Greenland More than 200 passengers on

Cruise ship stranded in Greenland: More than 200 passengers on board

The ship Ocean Explorer ran aground in Greenland with 206 people on board. According to the Danish Arctic Defense Command, the cruise ship is only a few days away from the next rescue: “We are monitoring the situation closely.”

The ship ran aground in Greenland – Photo Air Force/Arctic Command

The ship ran aground in Greenland – Photo Air Force/Arctic Command

There Ocean Explorer cruise ship stayed stranded in a remote area of Greenland with 206 people on board on Monday, September 11th. According to theArctic Command the Danish Defense Agency (JAC), which reported the news Tuesday, September 12ththe boat is only a few days away from the next rescue, reports the Portal agency.

The ship is stuck Alpefjord, a national park located 1,400 kilometers northeast of the Greenland capital Nuuk, we read in a statement from the JAC, which adds: “There were no injuries.

According to a recent update on JAC’s Facebook page, which also included photos of the stranded ship taken from a reconnaissance aircraft, “Arctic Command is still in contact with nearby ships that may have the opportunity to assist.” to help free the cruise ship.” Follows the situation closely“.

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The ship ran aground in Greenland – Photo Air Force/Arctic Command

The ship ran aground in Greenland – Photo Air Force/Arctic Command

A cruise ship in trouble is always a worrying thing. “The nearest emergency services are not nearby, the same applies to our units and weather conditions can be very adverse,” the spokesman said in a statement. commander Brian JensenJAC operations manager.

“But especially in this situation we see no immediate danger for human life or the environment, which gives us peace of mind,” he added. said a spokesman for Australian cruise operator Aurora Expedition The passengers on board were in good condition.

The JAC reported that the closest vessel to the Ocean Explorer’s location at the time of the accident was a 1,200 nautical milesand that means it could achieve that Ship aground in the early hours of next Friday morning. Arctic Command also asked a nearby cruise ship to remain in the area to provide assistance. should the situation change.

Completed in 2021, Ocean Explorer can accommodate over 134 passengers offers trips to “some of the wildest and most remote destinations in the world.”“, we read on the Aurora Expeditions website.