Crusoe Hotels in Argentina and Uruguay dont want Roger Waters

Crusoe: “Hotels in Argentina and Uruguay don’t want Roger Waters The Antagonist

After performances in Brazilian stadiums and a meeting with Lula as part of his farewell tour Roger Waters (photo) goes to Argentina and Uruguay. There, however, his political views on Palestine and Israel begin to cause logistical problems for his shows, he says. Crusoe.

“This is because luxury hotels would refuse to welcome him in the Uruguayan capital,” the singer accused in an interview with the Argentine newspaper Pagina12. “The city of Montevideo has locked me down and I have nowhere to stay,” said the singer, who plays in the city this Friday the 17th. As a result, he had to cancel a meeting with the former president of Montevideo. Country, Pepe Mujica, this Thursday.”

“Waters, who is an ardent supporter of the Palestinian cause, said this was because “the Israeli lobby or whatever they call themselves canceled me.” The singer remains in São Paulo and will stay in the city and only traveling to Montevideo and Buenos Aires for the show.”

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