Csaba Dalla Zorza his baked chicken recipe is easy to

Csaba Dalla Zorza, his baked chicken recipe is easy to prepare but seems to come from a Michelin starred restaurant Street Food News.it

Csaba dalla Zorza chicken recipeCsaba Dalla Zorza – StreetFoodNews (Instagram photo)

The well-known Csaba Dalla Zorza proposes a recipe for preparing baked chicken; a dish full of flavor, simple but very effective.

The elegant Csaba Dalla Zorzaa food blogger who has made elegance, good manners and the art of setting the table and greeting guests his trademark, proposes a delicious recipe for baked chicken.

Known to the general public through his participation in Courtesies for guestsHowever, he would like to point out that he is not as insane as he seems.

TO FQ In fact, she explained, “It makes me laugh when people think I’m someone who thrives on superficiality and Flanders tablecloths.” People think they really know a character when they see them on TV or on social media see, while each of us there only shows what we want.

But she certainly also shows a passion for cooking, defining it, as Forbes also reports, as “contemporary that starts from the rediscovery of tradition.” She likes to use “seasonal products in her recipes, with the aim of using simple but also quick recipes with a good nutritional content, ‘homemade from scratch’”. And his comfort food? An unusual thing: fresh vegetables. Let’s see how he uses it in his baked chicken recipe.

Csaba dalla Zorza: baked chicken ingredients for 4 people

  • 8 chicken drumsticks
  • 16 new potatoes
  • 200 g fresh spinach
  • some Piccadilly tomatoes
  • a small yellow pepper
  • 2 bay leaves
  • a few sprigs of fresh thyme
  • a clove of garlic
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper

the Csaba chicken Chicken with vegetables – StreetFoodNews

How to prepare

Preparation of the chicken with vegetables according to the Brava recipe Csaba Dalla Zorza Place the drumsticks in a pan suitable for baking in the oven and large enough to hold all the ingredients. Add salt and pepper and massage the meat until it penetrates. Then add garlic, bay leaf and thyme. Thoroughly wash the new potatoes, which are usually cooked in their skins, and cut any potatoes that are too large in half to make cooking easier. Also wash the peppers, remove the stem, seeds and white fibers and cut them into pieces. Add the vegetables to the pan with the chicken, pour a dash of oil over them and mix everything together Distribute the flavors.

Moisten with half a glass of water and cook in the oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. Turn the legs and vegetables halfway through the cooking time to distribute the heat. Just before the end of cooking you can check by pricking the meat with a fork, adding the spinach and cooking for at least 5 minutes after adding salt and pepper. You can make this delicious chicken as a side dish to a main dish, as recommended Csaba, 150 grams of basmati rice, cooked without salt.

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