Csaba Dalla Zorza reveals how to choose the perfect tablecloth

Csaba Dalla Zorza reveals how to choose the perfect tablecloth: We bet you’ve always done something wrong Street Food News.it

csaba set the tableCsaba Dalla Zorza – StreetFoodNews (Instagram photo)

She is the expert on etiquette and the art of receiving. Let’s find out which tablecloth Csaba Dalla Zorza proposes to make a good impression on guests.

Expert in bon ton and good table manners, elegant in manners and dress, Csaba Dalla Zorza He is a character that we know thanks to his participation in some television formats such as: B. discovered Courtesies for guests.

And it is precisely the art of hospitality that he has made his trademark. The “gifts for guests” that seem to have been forgotten today, but are always gladly received.

Has etiquette really gone out of fashion? Is the art of setting the table outdated or is it still needed? As a food writer a Republic: “I’m no better than anyone else because I place the napkin on the left side of the table, but if there’s a right way to place the napkin, let’s put it into practice.” It’s like using the subjunctive.

Which is always a treat for the ears. Just like a beautiful table perfectly set with elegance and style, it is a feast for the eyes. But what type of tablecloth should you use? Maybe you have always been wrong, let’s listen to the beauty’s advice Csaba.

Csaba Dalla Zorza: Which tablecloth is suitable for guests?

The tablecloth is the calling card of the perfectly set table. Because even if we put silver cutlery on the porcelain service and then the tablecloth was unsuitable, it would ruin the whole thing. Observe Csaba Dalla Zorza on his blog: “It’s bizarre to imagine how something we all do more or less every day can be so important and at the same time partially unknown.”

Because we all set the table, but how many of us can say we know all the rules and how to respect them? In this case, we are helped by the expert who, as she admits, is self-taught and has learned something about etiquette by reading manuals and classics on the subject. A passion, his.

Csaba tableclothCsaba shows us how to set the table – StreetFoodNews (Instagram photo)

The rule that must be respected

A beautifully set table makes guests feel pampered and welcome, and that is a great joy for the hosts, who see their lunch or dinner turn out so perfectly. So continue with the centerpiece, but be careful to always respect the distances and not to overcrowd the tablecloth. And how should that be?

Second Csaba Dalla Zorza “The tablecloth must be free of stains and well ironed. On the informal tables, the creases (a single one, like those found on men’s trousers) will be visible. However, for formal tables or reception tables, the tablecloth is usually ironed without wrinkles. A nice, clean tablecloth large enough to cover the table is the foundation of any place setting, even the simplest.”

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