Cuba aims for leadership in the World Travel Tourism Awards

Cuba aims for leadership in the World Travel Tourism Awards

Heralded by experts as the Oscars of the travel industry, all eyes are now on the upcoming selection, scheduled for August 31st.

In the Caribbean, this island is aiming to be crowned the leading adventure tourism destination in a competition that also includes the Dominican Republic, Dominica, Jamaica and St. Lucia.

A report by the Spanish publication Buen Viaje a Cuba adds that this nation is characterized by its offers for lovers of emotions and natural environments.

In its sun and beach bars, travelers can access numerous water sports, diving and fishing offers, while the most beautiful landscapes can be found in selected locations such as Viñales, Topes de Collantes, the Ciénaga de Zapata and the Alejandro de Humboldt and Desembarco del are waiting for adventurers.

On the other hand, the Caribbean nation also competes in the Leading Cultural Destination in the Caribbean 2022 section along with Barbados, Bermuda, Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico and Trinidad and Tobago.

In this category, the island was the winner last year thanks to the rich wealth of traditions, history and culture that characterizes it.

As destinations for this tourist modality, World Heritage cities such as Havana, Santiago de Cuba and Trinidad are characterized by musical and dance expressions of great value such as Son, Rumba and the French Tomb, monumental examples of architecture in several cities and a vibrant life in squares and streets.

Through an online vote, travelers and professionals from around the world choose the companies, destinations and tourism organizations that deserve the World Travel Awards.

The awards ceremony for the Caribbean region is scheduled for August 31st, the location has not yet been determined.

The World Travel Awards were established in 1993. The competition is run annually by a jury of accommodation experts and partners, principally from the World Travel and Tourism Council.

These awards are presented both globally and at eight international regional levels in a variety of categories including hotels – tourist accommodation, attractions and airlines – transport.
