Cuba mourns Piedad Cordoba

Cuba mourns Piedad Córdoba

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel regretted the death of Colombian Senator Piedad Córdoba, who throughout her political life maintained a strong fraternal and fraternal relationship with the leadership of the Caribbean island and its people.

In his X report, the head of state of the Antillean state expressed his regret at the death of Córdoba, a passionate supporter of peace in Colombia and a great friend of Cuba, the president emphasized.

On the social network itself, the island's Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez, highlighted the Colombian parliamentarian's active role in defending human rights in the world and her efforts to end the conflict in the South American country.

According to the media, the senator's death caused shock in the Colombian city of Medellín and many personalities highlighted the career of an important figure in Colombian politics.

The Historic Pact lawmaker was found in her apartment, where she reportedly suffered a heart attack that left her without vital signs before she was taken to a hospital emergency room.

Córdoba's death at the age of 68 is causing a shock in regional politics, especially in Latin American progressive movements, which recognize his achievement in defending the forgotten and most needy in his country and the world.

For his part, Colombian President Gustavo Petro emphasized that although she was a woman beaten by an era and a society, she had fought all her life for a more democratic society.

“Her body and mind could not withstand the pressure of an anachronistic society that welcomed the adaptations of young people, that hated dialogue and peace, that hated blacks, indigenous people and the poor, that treated her like a criminal,” Petro wrote on the social network X