Cuba mourns the death of Colombian Senator Piedad Cordoba

Cuba mourns the death of Colombian Senator Piedad Córdoba

HAVANA. – Miguel Díaz-Canel, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republica, today regretted the death of Colombian Senator Piedad Córdoba.

Díaz-Canel described Córdoba, who died this Saturday in the city of Medellín at the age of 68 as a result of a heart attack, as a great friend of Cuba.

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“Our deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of Senator Piedad Córdoba, who worked for peace in #Colombia for many years and was a great friend of #Cuba.”

On the same social network, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla remembered the Colombian senator as a defender of human rights and the peace processes in his country.

“Our condolences to family and friends,” he wrote.

“We regret the death of Senator Piedad Córdoba, defender of human rights and peace processes in Colombia, who was a friend of #Cuba. Our condolences to family and friends.”

Inés María Chapman, Cuban Deputy Prime Minister, expressed her condolences to the family and friends of Piedad Córdoba, a woman committed to the cause of the suffering Colombian people and to peace in Colombia, she said.

“Piedad Córdoba, Senator of the Historic Pact, has died, a woman committed to the cause of the suffering Colombian people and committed to peace in Colombia. Condolences to family and friends.”

Likewise, the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) expressed its regret at the death of the Colombian senator, whom it remembered as a great woman, lover of peace and justice and defender of women's rights.

“We have learned of Piedad Córdoba’s death and we deeply regret it. Friend of Cuba, lover of peace, justice and advocate of women's rights. We are losing a great woman. Our condolences from #FMC to her family and friends.”

Gerardo Hernández, national coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), expressed his regret and invoked Córdoba's solidarity with the case of the five Cuban anti-terrorists (Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and). René González), wrongly imprisoned in United States prisons.

Latin America is losing a tireless worker for just causes, said Hernández, one of the Five, as the Cuban anti-terrorists were known internationally.

“We deeply regret the death of Colombian Senator Piedad Córdoba, a great friend of #Cuba, who did not hesitate to express her solidarity with #LosCinco. Latin America loses a tireless worker for just causes.”