Cuban couple crosses the southern border of the United States

Cuban couple crosses the southern border of the United States with their newborn son Cuban Directory

A strange and, above all, very dangerous event occurred with a Cuban couple at the southern border of the United States. It turns out that the couple crossed the borders between the two nations with their newborn son in their arms. This intersection has gone viral through images shared on various media and social networks. A few days after the birth, the young people even dared to cross the Rio Grande with their baby. This is another of the many stories of desperate migrants leaving their country in search of a better life.

The correspondent for the Portal news agency took the pictures that went around the world this weekend. Yusniel, 34, and his wife Yanara, 30, are seen crossing with their ten-day-old baby Yireth in their arms. The young Cuban woman gave birth to her child on Mexican territory during the trip.

Unexpected danger

They perhaps never could have imagined the extreme danger that the young Cubans faced. The Martí Noticias portal shows the couple arriving on the American bank of the Rio Grande. As soon as they touched American soil, they both changed their newborn baby’s diaper.

Official data from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) shows that as of August 2023, 184,643 Cubans have been detected entering the United States. In the first five days of the current fiscal year alone, more than 250,000 irregular migrants from various countries arrived at the southern border.

The number of Cubans arriving at the Mexico-U.S. border has skyrocketed again in recent months. This comes after Joe Biden’s immigration policies earlier this year had a “positive effect” in stemming the flow of migrants.