Cuban doctors can face the call for homologation of their specialty in Spain

The Ministry of Health of Spain opened an appeal for Homologation tests of medical specialties for non-EU citizens which benefits Cubans and other immigrants who have completed their medical careers.

The exams will take place on February 4th and March 18th, 2023 and offer the opportunity to total 463 candidates legalize their specialty acquired outside the European Union (EU).

The call is addressed to Non-EU professionals living in Spain who have already certified their General Medicine degree -a process that depends on the Spanish universities- who now have the opportunity to official recognition of your professional qualification in Spainafter passing an initial screening to verify that their training meets European standards.

The exam consists of a theoretical-practical exam at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health on the professional skills included in the official program of the specialty that the professional wishes to certify.

If you pass this test, you will receive a positive decision to carry out an internship.

The theory test lasts ninety minutes and consists of written answers to a questionnaire with 70 questions plus five reserve questions, all with four possible answers.

The practical exercise lasts 75 minutes and consists of the written development of three practical cases with specific problems of the respective subject area. These practical cases consist of a number of no less than three open-ended questions.

Since 2019, Spain has not convened this type of test, which opens the possibility of regularization for medical professionals with a specialization in medicine obtained outside the European Union.

On February 4, 2023, the Clinical Psychology (1 candidate), Obstetrics-Gynecological Nursing (16), Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (65), Digestive System (12), Physical Education and Sports Medicine (2) exams will take place. family and community medicine (63), pediatrics (50), psychiatry (11), and radiodiagnostics (15).

Meanwhile, on March 18th, the exams for candidates in Pathological Anatomy (1), Angiology and Vascular Surgery (1), Cardiology (26), Cardiovascular Surgery (2), General Surgery and Digestive System (8), Surgery will be held Orthopedics and traumatology (13), pediatric surgery (12), plastic surgery (6), thoracic surgery (2), dermatology (15), endocrinology (9), geriatrics (2), hematology (2), physical medicine and rehabilitation ( 4) , Intensive Care Medicine (10), Internal Medicine (3), Nephrology (5), Pneumology (1), Neurosurgery (4), Neurophysiology (1), Neurology (5), Obstetrics and Gynecology (34), Ophthalmology (32), Medical Oncology (7), radiation oncology (4), ear, nose and throat medicine (10), hospital radiophysics (1), urology (8).