1695008781 Cuban mother asks for help saying goodbye to her deceased

Cuban mother asks for help saying goodbye to her deceased son in Texas

CubitaNOW editorial team ~ Monday, September 18, 2023

Bárbara Sacre, a Cuban woman living in Nicaragua, asks for help saying goodbye to her son.

Young Lizsam has died suddenly in Texas and his mother is begging for a humanitarian visa so she can say goodbye to him.

Bárbara shares her pain on social networks in the hope that someone will give her advice and support.

“My beloved son, I know that you cannot listen to my words, because in Sheol where you are there is no life, but if there is a God who looks like a mother on my pain and suffering, then is this God Jehovah who does not do that.” Leave me without him, I would not have the strength to endure.” I will imagine this great pain as you are, as you always were, until the moment when Jehovah Raised you one day because I know that my loving God Not too far away you will be back on this earth, but free from suffering. I love you Lizsam with all my heart, your brothers will always remember you too and the people who knew you because you were very special my beautiful boy,” Sacre wrote.


The Cuban woman explained that her son, a young man, had died in an accident: “Please help, I want to bury my son, who died yesterday (corresponding to Friday) in an accident in Texas, as a mother I say.” Goodbye, I only ask for an emergency visa.” “To the American government, since I am in Nicaragua, I would like to hug you for the last time and return to Nicaragua. Please share so that this message from a mother reaches its destination.” Who needs humanitarian support?

Among the condolences, the Cuban woman was advised to contact the nearest US embassy: “Barbara, I am very sorry for your loss. Epd, go to a US consulate there in Nicaragua and tell them the situation you are in.” Pain and they have to do something about it. This is the only way they can help you. It’s very sad what you’re going through. “God will give you strength.”

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