Cubans can apply for a digital visa to travel to

Cubans can apply for a digital visa to travel to Europe

The Council of the European Union has approved the digitalization of the Schengen visa process, a measure that will allow applicants to process their visas online.

Spain’s acting interior minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, said in a brief statement that “the possibility of applying for a Schengen visa online will represent a great improvement for the citizen and its processing. It will simplify the application process and at the same time it will reduce the burden on national administrations, which will be able to respond more flexibly and effectively.”

Sources consulted by independent media DiarioDeCuba said all countries are demanding this European visa Schengen, including Cubathey will enter the new system.

On Monday, the council adopted two provisions: The first rule includes the creation of a European Union visa application platform through which applicants can submit their applications and upload electronic copies of their travel documents and pay the relevant fees.

The second With a few exceptions, there are no personal appearances at the consulate, such as those who are applying for a visa for the first time or whose biometric data is no longer valid.

The previous visa sticker will be replaced by a barcode with a cryptographic signature.

It can be an opportunity for applicants Visa in Cuba. “When the structure is completed and the digital era begins in terms of visas, it would be a chance for people living in the east of the island not to have to go to Havana to present their files and to avoid a collapse of the consulate offices.” , Estela Marina Pérez, General Director of the Aristeo Group, explained to the Cuban media.

Both regulations will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union after their signature and will enter into force twenty days after their publication. The date of application of the new rules The decision will be made after completing the technical development of the visa platform and digital visa, the statement said.

The Schengen area consists of 27 European countries in which many internal border controls have been abolished, allowing travelers with this visa to easily travel from one member state to another.