Cubans in Mexico fear kidnapping as they wait for a

Cubans in Mexico fear kidnapping as they wait for a CBP One appointment Cuban Directory

It would not be the first time this has happened to Cuban migrants in Mexico, as there was recently the case of a family that was kidnapped at the border while waiting for the CBP One appointment. Now that thousands of Cubans are stranded in Tapachula, it is feared that these crimes will increase as people try to move to the north of the country by buses.

Miladis Calzado, a Cuban migrant, told Diario del Sur that they face a very serious situation when it is their turn to travel to Mexico City and then to the northern border to enter the US city that is theirs corresponds.

“Traveling by bus means exposing yourself to the risk of being kidnapped by a cartel from Mexico or having many problems on the way to the border, as it is very dangerous for migrants who want to enter the United States,” explained the Cubans.

Cubans fear kidnappings in Mexico

He added that traveling by plane is not the same as traveling by bus by road as the risk is high and the time to arrival is long. The Cuban woman complained about the actions of many Aztec authorities, who “pose a danger because they do not respect migrants who want to achieve the American dream.”

The woman added that the kidnapping of migrants, extortion by criminals and the uniformed agents of the various security companies in Mexico seeing foreigners with banknotes are a reality when, in many cases, they travel with no or limited financial resources.

This week, a group of Cubans staying in Tapachula said the National Institute of Immigration (INM) prevented them from boarding a plane to travel from the southern border to the northern border, where they would have an appointment with U.S. authorities have.

They stated that they do not understand why the INM is denying them access to the flight and only telling them that the CBP ONE program has been canceled, which is incorrect as they continue to receive appointments through the application.