1658592072 Cubans will vote for marriage for all in September

Cubans will vote for marriage for all in September

Since the 1959 revolution, homosexuals in Cuba have been hostile and even placed in re-education camps. Now everything must be different.

Cubans will vote in a referendum in September to legalize same-sex marriage. The referendum on a new family law that would also allow for surrogacy has been set for September 25, the island state’s parliament announced on Friday.

Parliament secretary Homero Acosta was optimistic that the people would accept the “revolutionary, inclusive and democratic” law.

Resistance from Churches and Conservatives

The new family law is intended to replace the previous legal basis, which has been in force for 47 years. The Cuban leadership really wanted to introduce marriage for everyone in the new constitution passed in 2019. However, the project was abandoned in the face of opposition from churches and conservative groups.

Homosexuality was taboo on the Caribbean island long after the 1959 revolution. Sexual minorities were stigmatized, homosexuals assaulted, placed in “re-education camps” and excluded from public service. Revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, who died in 2016, later apologized for this.

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