1649692369 Cubas President congratulates Lopez Obrador on winning the referendum

Cuba’s President congratulates López Obrador on winning the referendum

Cubas President congratulates Lopez Obrador on winning the referendum

Havana-. The President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, today congratulated the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on the success of this Sunday’s popular referendum.

The head of state described the referendum on his social network Twitter account as “an unprecedented assessment” in this country.

López Obrador received more than 90 percent of the votes cast in an exercise held for the third time by a Latin American country (previously Venezuela with Hugo Chávez in 2004 and Bolivia with Evo Morales in 2008).

In a news story broadcast from the National Palace at dawn, the Mexican President declared that this was “something unprecedented” and a step forward to establish democracy in his nation.

He similarly thanked those who voted to continue through September 2024, to whom he said, “Love is paid for with love, I will never betray you.”

The President criticized the fact that the same number of boxes had not been installed as in 2018 and pointed out that many municipal administrations did not have them and that they were 30 or 40 kilometers away. He also criticized the high level of abstention, which made it impossible to achieve the goal set in the statute of 40 percent of the participation in the nomination list.

After the victory, the leader of the ruling Morena party, Tomás Pliego, also highlighted the success of the referendum, noting that this time in the 2021 elections, more people voted for the president than the voters of the National Action Party.

We can be proud that participatory democracy is practiced. We are millions with AMLO! (acronym for the President), he cheered.