Culture Discover Alphonse Mucha39s posters franceinfo

Culture: Discover Alphonse Mucha's posters – franceinfo

Published on January 15, 2024 10:46 p.m

Video length: 2 min

Culture: Discover Alphonse Mucha's posters -

Culture: Discover the posters of Alphonse Mucha Culture: Discover the posters of Alphonse Mucha – (France 2)

Freelance Russian journalist beaten up in Chechnya.svg

Article written by France 2 – M. Berrurier, S. Pivachant, L. Multari, N. Beddiaf, B. Nayroles, A. Pancari, INA, N. Jauson

France TV

These are drawings in which women mingle with flowers at the beginning of the 20th century to promote pieces by Sarah Bernhardt or LU Cookies. All signed by Alphonse Mucha.

Like magical creatures, these women have flowers on their heads and hair that unfolds like tendrils. With these posters, Alphonse Mucha created a new style and a new, completely unconventional female type 130 years ago. The women drawn by Mucha at this time have not aged a bit. In the winter of 1894 he reinvented the modern theater poster. Before him there were small formats, not very colorful and minimalist female figures.

Alphonse Mucha will succeed in sublimating women

It doubles the size of the classic poster to a height of up to two meters and brings life-size paper women onto the streets. To appear even more convincing, he poses actresses or studio models and transforms them into flower women with flowing hair. Audiences of the time will find them irresistible.

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