VITTORIO VENETO – Beautiful curtain between Salvo di Grazia, the joke doctorand Emma Brown. It all started with a tweet from the singer posting a photo of a bottle of Bach Flowers. “I loved you, then I saw that you had the”Bach flowers‘ (cheap liquor diluted without a trace of flowers or anything else, sort of a liquid talisman) and I’m filing for divorce. Goodbye,” wrote the doctor on Twitter. Marrone’s answer was not long in coming. “Goodbye love,” the singer wrote, who also added a heart emoticon. Obviously, both Doctor di Grazia’s post and Marrone’s reply are full of irony.
However, Di Grazia took the opportunity to talk about Bach flowers. “Emma has ‘confessed’ to using ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ because of her fear of flying, and at that point I couldn’t help but ‘leave her’ – Di Grazia wrote on Facebook -. Seriously, let’s take advantage and we’ll explain why you can’t accept the use of Bach flowers as “medicine”. Bach flowers are a liquid made from alcohol (typically brandy) in which water that has come into contact with flowers is diluted. According to the inventor of this pseudo-therapy, the flowers, collected with a magical rite, would release their energy (no substances or active ingredients, just energies, magically) into the water. The water is then poured into a little brandy, which is diluted dozens of times. There is no active ingredient in this bottle, no flower or plant derivatives, no remedy, just brandy diluted with water, nothing else. Because of this, these products have no effect, they are not used to cure any disease and are just a dummy cure“.
The native Sicilian has been providing information about medicine and science on his blog since 2009. His work as a scientific popularizer made him known throughout Italy. In the past, Di Grazia, who specializes in human reproductive pathophysiology and colposcopy, worked at the hospital in Vittorio Veneto as a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology.