1688546793 Customer leaves a review quotA pityquotApplause from the owner Wineandfoodtour

Customer leaves a review: "A pity"Applause from the owner Wineandfoodtour

A less than pleasant review left by a customer at the restaurant, the owner of which gave a shocking response.

Recently a customer left one decidedly negative review against a restaurant. However, the owner responded in an exemplary manner.

The Age of Reviews

In the last few years that we’ve been experiencing thisit was digitalit’s just gotten easier to have preventive information About everything.


Google (Pexels) – Wineandfoodtour.it

In fact, we’ve gotten more or less in the habit of checking before we go anywhere or buy an object reviews from other customers who have had a particular experience.

It’s actually one of them Advantages of this era that managed, or at least should, to compel me Seller of a product or service to improve the quality.

Therefore, at this historical moment, it should have been even more difficult for the villains to commit crimes fraud or scam in this sense.

In this regard, according to credible sources, the reviews really have a very important impact on the a consumer’s choice.

In particular, it seems that they are even that88% People who are usually decisively influenced by positive or negative reviews.

Negative customer review

Negative customer review (Pixabay) – Wineandfoodtour.it

The ratings, if any from 4 to 5 stars and moreso would really help attract more customers through the door of your hypothetical place or increase sales.

In fact, among other things, they are able to make you more visible on both sides search engine what up Google Mapsgiving you priority over other competitors.

The customer review and the incredible response from the owner

Nowadays, be present at the networkone way or another it can really make a difference.

dog in a club

Dog in a Club (Pixabay) – Wineandfoodtour.it

On the other hand aBusiness without a Website or social media page would be viewed as unreliable or downright prehistoric.

In this context, a very special anecdote It’s all about the experience of a customer within a club.

In particular, the story has its protagonist a restaurant in Valladolida city in northwestern Spain.

A customerTherefore, after being in this Spanish trading establishment, he would have been so upset that he would have left a slightly negative review.

Initially, the customer gave the restaurant a sun rating two stars. Second, he himself wrote that this was the main reason for his frustration the presence of dogs in the room.

In fact, according to the annoyed user, the possibility of letting animals into a restaurant would literally be “a disgust”.

The holderIn his view, therefore, he should have warned in advance that this possibility was about to materialize.

Well yes, apparently comprehensive response from the owner of the restaurant was not long in coming.

In fact, the manager responded with a phrase that probably could have won the manager’s favor animal lover.

The above responded to the negative review in question: Dogs are always welcome in his restaurant and which are of course presences more pleasant by people similar to this user.

In short, in the end we even have to take that into account the Italian law allows dogs into a restaurant.

Perhaps the only absolutely sensible measure would be to draw the attention of potential customers to this.

The reason for this is that unfortunately some individuals can be affected by a medical conditionallergyand therefore disturbing disturbances in the presence of animals.