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Cyberflashing: First virtual exhibitionist convicted of unsolicited “dick photos”.

A first-ever virtual exhibitionist could face prison in the UK for simply sending unsolicited images of his genitals to two women after the country toughened the law on January 31.

“Cyberflashing is a grotesque crime and the fact that we were able to bring swift justice to the two victims shows that the new law is working,” said Sefer Mani of the Eastern Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in England, the BBC reported.

Last Friday, 39-year-old Nicholas Hawkes allegedly sent images of his genitals, commonly known as “dick pics,” to a 15-year-old girl and an adult woman, who immediately reported him to police in the area. Essex.

At his appearance on Monday, the man reportedly pleaded guilty to both charges and admitted sending a photo or video of genitals with the intent to cause alarm, distress or humiliation, a CPS statement said.

The 30-year-old is the first to feel the effects of tightening online safety laws in England and Wales and sees cyberflashing as much as exhibitionism on the street.

This new crime is punishable by up to two years in prison, The Guardian previously stated.

“Everyone should feel safe wherever they are and not be exposed to unwanted sexual images. I urge anyone who believes they have been a victim of cyberflashing to report it to the police and have the confidence that they will be taken seriously and their identity will be protected,” Sefer Mani further wrote.

Nicholas Hawkes was previously listed as a sex offender until November 2033, according to the CPS, after he was found guilty of sexual activity with a child under 16, for which he was reportedly given a community order.

He is scheduled to receive his sentence on March 11th.