Damiano dei Maneskin changes his appearance once again fiery red

Damiano dei Maneskin changes his appearance (once again): fiery red hair. And the fans agree: “Never so sexy”

Damien David As soon as she changes her appearance, she immediately shares this with her fans, who don’t miss anything she does. This time the lead singer of maneskins He dyed his hair a very bright red, which he showed exactly with a post on his Instagram profile. The singer seems to like it in every way and he has actually received many compliments from his followers.

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Damiano David’s new look

White bathrobe, sexy look and… fiery red hair. This is the first photo that has now appeared on Damiano David’s Instagram profile, who, as usual, suddenly let his fans know that he has changed his look again. In fact, the Maneskin singer has been testing different hair colors lately, including platinum blonde. However, his fans seem to appreciate the bright color he has chosen this time and their like is confirmed by the thousands of comments that have appeared under the post, some of them really funny.

fan comments

More than five million followers follow Damiano David on Instagram and every time he posts a recording, the likes and comments skyrocket. After the announcement of the new look, the followers wrote to him: “But how is it possible that something suits you”, “If possible even sexier than before” or again “You envy the traffic lights, but what can I say ..” . “.

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