Damiano dei Maneskin drastically changes his appearance goodbye long hair

Damiano dei Maneskin (drastically) changes his appearance, goodbye long hair. The photos

Damiano David gave us a break! Not from dead branches, girlfriends or music, the Maneskin frontman has decided to cut his hair, a symbol and iconic of his sex appeal, or rather, literally cut his hair. Well, to the sadness of many, the Roman singer, friend of Giorgia Soleri, has revolutionized his looks and it’s not like we remember it. In fact, that long rocker hair from yesterday gave way to an unexpected shave that shocked everyone. Damiano actually decided to go completely to zero and shared the shot of his new look on Instagram with a post showing him along with his bandmates dealing with a total hair shave, which Thomas, the group’s guitarist, was carried out.

As expected, the post of Damiano’s clean cut went viral immediately and was warmly welcomed by all of the singer’s fans, who didn’t take the news too well.

“Please tell me it’s a joke,” someone commented on Instagram, “We will never forget her hair,” someone else commented instead,” and there are those who have gone so far as to say they are “in mourning.” “ around the hair that made him super sexy and charming. But among all the disappointed, there are also those who appreciate this shot of the singer: “He’s beautiful even without hair”.