Dancing with the Stars quotMilly Carlucci no longer wants Selvaggia

Dancing with the Stars: "Milly Carlucci no longer wants Selvaggia Lucarelli. And it’s more than a sensation”, the indiscretion

According to Davide Maggio, Carlucci would not be inclined to confirm Lucarelli again on the “Dancing with the Stars” jury.

In a current Interview by Milly CarlucciIn conversation with Davide Maggio, the presenter shed light on the cast of the next edition of Dancing with the stars

Dancing with the Stars: Milly Carlucci Selvaggia Lucarelli no longer wants? The gossip

“Dancing with the Stars is here. Now we need certainty, also for the solidity of the reviews, for people’s joy in following us. We need to renew our friendship pact with the Rai1 audience. We’ll be talking about the Ballando jury in September. First.” Let’s wrap up the cast. Once the casting is complete, we’ll talk about the jury. There Carluccibased on the interview Lucarelli To Chi, where the journalist confirmed her role on the jury, she then added: “Now is a time when many things are said. But I repeat, first the cast and then the jury.”

This is exactly what the journalist Davide Maggio himself revealed:

“I don’t think Milly Selvaggia wants it. But I don’t think they have the strength to tell her go away. That is my feeling. In fact, it’s not a feeling, it’s more than a feeling.” Maggio went on to add that being part of the talent show’s future cast would be another reason for the show to be blocked Lucarelli and urging them to leave the program of their own free will:

“I think even some of the cast names, like Francesca Barra, who seems to be a competitor, were chosen to get Selvaggia in trouble and have her say, ‘You know what, I can’t take it anymore’ “

There have been a few unconfirmed rumors circulating over the last few weeks about a possible jury landing of Barbara D’Urso after his “loud” departure from Mediaset. In this regard, the Carlucci he declared:

“Barbara is a great professional. I wish her the best of luck so that wherever she chooses her career, she continues with the same resounding success she has had so far.”