1668211284 Dancing With the Stars What got into him tonight I

Dancing With the Stars “What got into him tonight?”, “I can’t stand you anymore, buckle up”, “Looks like a jealous man making notes in his head”, “He’s too bitter” : the juror François Alu destroyed on Twitter

Screenshot TF1 direct/Dancing with the stars

Screen capture TF1 direct / Dancing with the Stars

to The level was very high for the finale of Dancing with the Stars, which aired on TF1 on November 11, 2022. But one of the judges, star dancer François Alu, didn’t want to take the pressure off. Very strict to the end, especially with Billy Crawford, he drew the wrath of the tweeters.

After ten weeks of intense competition, the grand finale of Dancing with the Stars took place on TF1 this Friday, November 11, 2022. It brought together three celebrities with their professional dancer couples: Billy Crawford, Carla Lazzari and Stéphane Legar. Three particularly talented candidates. “We’ve rarely seen a three pair final at this level,” host Camille Combal said at the beginning of the show. “All three have the potential to win,” said one of the judges, Chris Marques, into a tape recorder. The competition was therefore very tight. And after a lot of tension, the first eliminated was determined.

Stéphane Legar was a complete stranger to many spectators just a few weeks ago, but he has been a favorite since the start of the season. However, the star singer in Israel was the first to be eliminated at the end of the first round. However, his freestyle for the Jerusalema title received almost nothing but praise: “You just did your best dance of the season,” congratulated Chris Marques. “I was overjoyed, you met us with good energy, that was super full,” enthused Bilal Hassani at his side. But the 38 points scored were not enough against the 39 attributed to the Fauve Hautot-Billy Crawford and Pierre Mauduy-Carla Lazzari duos.

“He considers himself a specialist in all dances”

This elimination was regretted on Twitter. And the Twittos quickly attacked François Alu, who preferred to reward the singer’s performance with a 9/10 than 10/10 and who was the only one to express a reservation against him: “The freedom of movement would I liked it even more”. Earlier, the new DALS judge teased netizens by being very picky about Billy Crawford, who had just performed a very impressive freestyle on Michael Jackson: “It was fabulous, controlled, generous, that freestyle was all there […] But sometimes I felt that your energy wasn’t at 100%, sometimes we were at 98% and we’re in the finals…!”.

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A comment that made Chris Marques flinch but was known for being very stern. “What does he say? […] I totally disagree. You just saw one of the best performances from DALS, I saw dance, a show, technique, absolutely stoned,” he commented in turn. Like Chris Marques, the Twittos didn’t understand this extreme rigor, with some even attributing it to a war of egos between François Alu and Chris Marques.

As Camille Combal points out, the two jurors rarely agree and seem to annoy each other. If we don’t know why, some suggest that the new jury member is a little too apt to want to upstage the old one by assuming the role of rigorous professional. And it’s bad on Twitter…

Luckily for him, some on the Blue Bird social network didn’t hesitate to come to his aid. They considered him to be impartial and experienced precisely in his words. The least we can say is that the juror leaves no one indifferent. Despite this criticism from the public and the rivalries with Chris Marques, will it be renewed by the production for next season? Answer in a few months.

At around 11.30pm the name of the winner chosen by the public was announced: and it was Billy Crawford who snatched victory with 53.5% of the vote, handing his partner Fauve Hautot a fourth trophy.