Dandelion Challenge Find out why you should wait to mow

Dandelion Challenge: Find out why you should wait to mow the lawn

Spring is finally here in Quebec and the flowers are beginning to show up, as are the pollinating insects. Miel&Co launches the third edition of the Dandelion Challenge, advising the population not to mow for a few days so that the insects can enjoy the nectar and pollen contained in the dandelions.

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The Quebec company’s initiative aims to “raise awareness of the vital contribution of bees and pollinating insects to society,” Miel&Co said in a press release issued Wednesday.

The Dandelion Challenge, launched in 2021, therefore invites Quebecers to postpone mowing their lawns to make dandelions and other flowers available to insects.

“Rather than mowing as soon as the dandelions emerge, we recommend waiting two to three weeks to feed the bees, mow and then the dandelions will grow back with a renewal of nectar and pollen,” the company explains on its website.

The Dandelion Challenge, unlike its UK counterpart, does not take place throughout the month of May due to the different climate zones.

“It is case-by-case by region, as spring grass is not at the same stage in different regions of Quebec,” said Christina Fortin-Ménard, co-owner of Miel&Co.

“The movement in Gaspésie will take place more early in June, while in Montreal it will probably have to be mowed before the end of May,” he also specified.

For those who are most involved, a kit is available that includes a lawn poster and honeyflower seeds. To and participate, visit defipissenlits.com.

Here are the pollinating insects:

  • The bees
  • bumblebees
  • The wasps
  • Syrphid fly (a type of fly)
  • Bombyles (insect with a proboscis)
  • The butterflies