Danger of dike breach residents of Chute Saint Philippe and Lac des Ecorces evacuated

Danger of dike breach: residents of Chute-Saint-Philippe and Lac-des-Écorces evacuated –

Quebec’s Ministry of Public Safety issued a warning late Sunday evening about the risk of a levee breach for residents of the Kiamika and Lièvre rivers in Chute-Saint-Philippe and Lac-des-Écorces in the Laurentians.

“If you are in the affected areas, evacuate to the Mont-Laurier Sports Center. Follow the instructions of local authorities,” we could read on the website of the warning system Québec en Alerte at around 10:10 p.m.


“I am closely monitoring the situation together with the civilian security teams. There [Sûreté du Québec] is also mobilized locally. [Le ministère de l’Environnement] and that [Sécurité publique] “We are in contact with the affected municipalities, the MP for Labelle and the Red Cross to support citizens,” he assured.

On the same social network, Urgence Québec specified that people affected by evacuations must plan to leave their residence “for at least five days”, recalling the importance of “evacuating calmly, respecting the instructions of those involved on site.” “.