quotdanger to humanityquotAlessandro Orsini on agreements and disagreements when a

"danger to humanity"Alessandro Orsini on agreements and disagreements: when a country joins NATO, I cry

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Christian Campigli April 30, 2022

The Third World War? It wouldn’t be that far. And the main blame for this escalation would be NATO and above all those countries that want to become part of the Atlantic international organization. Professor Alessandro Orsini is convinced of this. In his speech on Friday evening, April 29th, before Accordi e Disaccordi, the talk show of the Nine, he threw new fuel on a controversy that is far from over.

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“Whenever I hear that a country wants to join NATO, especially if it is close to the border with Russia, I cry. We are not yet in World War III, but we are rapidly moving in that direction. The accession of new countries to NATO is a very serious threat to humanity. It would be a great tragedy for everyone. My hope is that the countries bordering Ukraine will leave NATO: Slovakia, Romania, Hungary. The interests of mankind are opposed to those of NATO. The enlargement of NATO brings us closer to the Third World War”.

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Orsini then pointed the finger at US President Joe Biden. A position completely similar to that of Michele Santoro. “I consider Putin dangerous at level 10 – concluded Orsini – And I consider Biden dangerous at level 10: he is a traitor to Europe, he stabs her in the back. In terms of Ukraine, I think Biden is just as dangerous as Putin.” An attitude that the Neapolitan intellectual, who breaks through day after day, especially in the Grillino electorate, which comes from the extreme pacifist, anti-American and environmentally conscious left.

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Giuseppe Conte showed his appreciation for “his lateral thinking” just two days ago. A few syllables that caused a lot of criticism and comments. The Democratic Party, led by Enrico Letta, has expressed concern about certain assessments. Also because, according to some rumors, Orsini would have received a proposal from the movement to run in the next political elections of 2023. A choice that, if confirmed, risks a chain reaction. And probably to challenge an alliance, that of the progressive camp, which until two months ago seemed solid and stubborn. It really seemed.