Dangerous process and ongoing earthquakes shake Panama

Dangerous process and ongoing earthquakes shake Panama

The hearing before Judge Baloisa Marquínez began with unsuccessful tricks by the ex-governor’s defense to suspend sessions, which were due to be extended until June 5, in order to use public funds to buy newspapers published by Panama America Publishers, a case dubbed New business is known.

The outcome of those hearings could result in prison sentences of up to 12 years, and that worries the billionaire’s representative and his person, as he is the presidential flag bearer of the Realizing Goals party, which is contesting the primary for the 2024 general election in a week.

The first witnesses called by prosecutors linked Martinelli to money laundering, while the defense allegations made other arguments supporting the legality of the multi-million dollar transactions carried out in 2010.

The 164-volume investigation began in 2017 when the Ministry of State (MP) learned of the commission of a crime against the economic order by illegally purchasing a news media conglomerate.

Martinelli is also accused of various counts of corruption, including bribery by the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht, and maintains the precautionary measure banning him from leaving the country.

According to the deputy, the payouts in the New Business case were made by companies, which in turn received contracts for various infrastructure works. All these actions were also carried out in the period 2009-2014.

Earthquakes of varying magnitude have struck various areas of the Isthmus in less than 24 hours over the past seven days, with no major damage or disruption reported.

The first magnitude 6.6 earthquake was recorded 40 kilometers from the municipality of Puerto Obaldía, on the border with Colombia, in the waters of the Caribbean Sea and at a depth of 10 kilometers.

The phenomenon has been observed in the eastern area of ​​Darién, in the province of Panama and in the Guna Yala region.

Another earthquake measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale had its epicenter in the city of Santiago, capital of western Veragua province, with a depth of two kilometers.

According to the National Disaster Management System, the shock was also felt in the neighboring provinces of Herrera, Los Santos and Coclé.

Also during the week, the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo, traveled to the United States to undergo the second analysis at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in the city of Houston (Texas).

According to the Palacio de las Garzas (seat of the Executive), the President received adequate treatment for the low-risk myelodysplasia diagnosed last June.

The tests showed a positive hematological reaction (hemoglobin level increased to normal values) and the analysis of the bone marrow is consistent with a complete remission, although treatment must be continued in six months.

Upon returning to the country, 70-year-old Cortizo immediately resumed his usual duties, including touring communities in the capital’s Calidonia district.
