Daniel Sancho is not a chef or a restaurant owner

Daniel Sancho is not a chef or a restaurant owner: they reveal his true profession

The murder case of Colombian doctor Edwin Arrieta in the hands of The Spaniard Daniel Sancho There was a lot of talk as the chef had no choice but to confess how he perpetuated the crime.

Who is Daniel Sancho, the son of a famous Spanish actor arrested for dismembering a Colombian doctor?Daniel Sancho is not a chef or a restaurant owner.svg11 photosThe 29-year-old young man accepted that he killed his friend.

At the same time, more details are emerging every week about the relationship the 29-year-old had with the surgeon Arrieta and how the murderer spends his days in one Prison on Koh Samuiwhile the trial is ongoing and his verdict is known.

As several pieces of information have come to light in these months, they all have something attractive for those following the case, and one of them has caused astonishment in recent days.

Everyone has learned from the various media that Sancho is a well-known Spanish chef, even the tragic end of the Colombian’s body was linked to his supposed profession. So much so that Big Joke, number 2 of the Thai police, stated that the dismemberment of the body took all night but that he is “a chef and is used to cutting up corpses and bones.”

However, according to new information in the television program “Investigative Team”, there is said to be new information about Daniel Sancho’s true profession.

According to various witnesses interviewed in the magazine, Daniel Sancho’s real job in Madrid had to do with public relations.

He carried out this in various clubs and nightclubs in the Spanish capital: “He is particularly known in Madrid for his contacts and is employed as a PR employee in several clubs,” the witnesses confirmed.

Likewise, they said that the son of the actor Rodolfo Sancho is very well known on Madrid evenings and for this reason he has many recognized friends in the Spanish entertainment industry.

This situation explains why, as is known, at some point he went to live with the grandson of the king emeritus and eldest son of the Infanta Elena de Borbón and Jaime de Marichalar.

“They followed each other on social networks and I asked friends from Froilán and they told me that they had many friends in common. “In fact, Daniel Sancho’s girlfriend was a close friend of Froilán’s friends,” said journalist Martín Bianchi Tasso.

After it became known that Rodolfo Sancho’s son had common friends with Froilán and tried to persuade the grandson of King Juan Carlos to help him leave the Asian country after the crime, he was also linked to Íñigo Onieva.

According to Vanitatis, Daniel maintained a friendly relationship with the brother of Tamara Falcó’s husband, Jaime Onieva, with whom he often spent leisure moments and evenings since they belonged to the same group.

And as the portal claims, at some point he is said to have met the Marquis of Griñón and his sister Alejandra in one of the most exclusive nightclubs in the capital.

With this information, it would be clear what Daniel Sancho’s life was like before the event in Thailand.

The truth is that the 29-year-old’s partying days will be a thing of the past as the punishments in Thailand are harsh and it was previously mentioned that he could even face the death penalty.

“If he denies the allegations in court, he could face the death penalty. If he pleads guilty, he could face life in prison. The decision is yours,” said Big Joke.

Daniel Sancho collapsed: Video shows the collapse of the confessed murderer of Edwin Arrieta

A few days ago, Daniel Sancho’s return to the place where he would have murdered Edwin Arrieta was in the news to reconstruct what happened.

“I turned the hot water on fully so that the blood wouldn’t clot and stick,” the confessed murderer says in English to the interpreter accompanying him, as can be seen in the current video.

Around him, several Thai police officers take notes, help with recovery and listen to the story.

As seen in the video, Sancho cynically shows police how he dragged Arrieta’s body to the shower, where he turned on the hot water tap and then left the body on the floor, bringing with him several bags of trash and later a saw and a Machete.

“I brought the saw and a machete. “I grabbed her, brought her here (to the bathroom) and then I turned the body over,” he specifies as one of the police officers follows his instructions.

Afterwards, Sancho says, he turned him face down and began cutting off his limbs with a knife.

“I went there and started bagging it, but black bags. I didn’t pay attention to what I put in each bag. “Edwin’s money was in his backpack,” says Sancho.

When they then ask him if he ever put the remains in the fridge, Sancho collapses.

In the video of the moment you can see that they ask him to breathe a little.

“Let’s let him rest, let’s not put him under pressure…” says one of the agents present when he sees the collapse of the confessed murderer.

In the next step, Sancho loses his temper and leaves the place.