Daniela Albuquerque beats up Tata Werneck Diction in cheetah dress

Daniela Albuquerque beats up Tata Werneck: “Diction in cheetah dress

Daniela Albuquerque responds to Tata Werneck’s joke about RedeTV!Reproduction/Instagram

Published on November 9, 2023 6:02 p.m

Advertisement for Rio Daniela Albuquerque, 41 years old, didn’t like it when Tata Werneck made fun of RedeTV! again this year at the Multishow Awards. The host of the program “Sensacional”, married to Amilcare Dallevo Jr., 66 years old, owner of the channel, responded to a comment made by the Globo actress. Photo gallery   Webert Belicio / Agnews

Webert Belicio / Agnews

“The dress may be expensive but the diction and lack of respect is as good as a cheetah dress,” Daniela commented on Instagram.

The comment refers to Tata’s new joke. On Tuesday 7th, during the awards ceremony, she said: “Two years ago I made a joke saying that my dress was worth the same as the RedeTV program!” and I was sued. I would like to apologize and say that this year I came with a dress that was more expensive than the price so that we don’t have this problem,” he said.

On the occasion of the first joke, RedeTV! sued the artist and demanded in court R$ 50,000 for moral damages and a public retraction, but the decision was not positive since the judge said that “the joke is not capable of changing the image of people on television”.
