Daniela no historical dancer of Amici Saranno Famosi died at

Daniela no, historical dancer of Amici Saranno Famosi, died at the age of 40. The memory of Paolo Idolo

In 2001, Maria founded De Filippi with immediate success the very first edition of Amici, which was then called Saranno Famosi. Today comes the sad news Death of Daniela RomanoDancer of this historic edition of the talent show.

Neapolitan, She died of illness at the age of 40 (which has not yet been specified). Some of Saranno Famosi’s classmates remember her on social platforms, starting withActor Paolo Idolowho had a crush on her at the start of the show.

“There was a first glance when we were on opposite sides of the stands, only I had noticed a few looks before… But they were just mine, she hadn’t noticed me yet.” I hoped that he would not only look up to me, but also notice me. The crowd crowded into these two semicircles of stairs. And so it happened, and I couldn’t believe it, so much so that we started talking with our eyes It was like I already knew we would be classmates then. A relationship that was based between the overwhelming desire to fall in love and the immaturity of age itself, which inevitably led to unresolved misunderstandings, but which we then cared very little about… because we wanted each other anyway. The same relationship that would have had its roots in our growth over time and over the yearsmake it more conscious and mature, feel a healthy mutual affection, the real one, the one of “it seems like yesterday”, even if months have passed since the last “see you soon”. You have been a part of my life in a special, dare I say, unique way. I will always carry you in my heart. Hello Dany 🌹».

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Her friend Mirna Brancotti, who entered the Saranno Famosi school as a singer, chose Facebook to write this dedication to Daniela Romano: Your stomach tightens, your heart tightens… We embrace each other in a strong embrace of pain, we who have experienced you and asked others from afar how you are. Life is sometimes really cruel for us humans who still cannot understand nature’s decisions. We are thinking of you, Daniela. We’re thinking of you from down here.”

Daniela (left) hugs her friend Mirna Brancotti, a schoolmate at Saranno Famosi.

Also Dennis FantinaSinger, who won this legendary edition of the show, wanted to remember Daniela: «Hello Daniela… have a nice trip»he wrote on Instagram, posting a performance with the former dancer when both were very young.