1685049079 Daniele Dal Moro against the fans you only make me

Daniele Dal Moro against the fans: you only make me trouble, you never earned a euro

Daniele Dal Moro loses his temper and rails against the fans who have been supporting him for months because of his love story with Oriana Marzoli: “I’ve never received a single euro from you, you’re just causing me problems.”

Daniele Dal Moro against the fans you only make me

Daniele Dal Moro loses his temper and a few hours after the moment when a part of the fans “bay window“They gave him and his girlfriend Oriana Marzoli A Trip to Venice releases a harsh outburst aimed at those who support it. An outburst that some felt would be unmotivated and filled with ingratitude. However, others believe that the fans’ over-urgency triggered Dal Moro’s harsh reaction.

The eruption of Daniele Dal Moro

“What annoys me the most is that you’re not only giving me problems with Oriana, but also with it at work. Which, unlike your crap, is very important to me!” Daniele wrote in the first part of a series of tweets to the Orieles, “Also because I remind you that it was YOU who disqualified me. And I don’t care who says: But it wasn’t us, not everyone is like that, they are haters… The only one who paid is me. And mo’, you went f**o! Bye”. Still angry, but without explaining the reasons for his anger, Oriana Marzoli’s partner added:

It goes without saying that if I wanted to end a relationship, I could do it without any problems since you don’t feed me, on the contrary… You only create problems for me. The girlfriend is over and as always I do what I want! I felt that the only thing that got me “the couple” in the media was my disqualification. I know there are some really nice people out there too and these tweets are clearly not targeting the “healthy” side. I didn’t think I needed to elaborate on that.

Daniele Dal Moro to the fans: “I owe you nothing!”

“Let me remind you that I am not a newcomer to the television world, nor to the media ships. I don’t need anyone to explain this to me. I’m only sorry because, as always, those who don’t deserve it pay as well. But in the end it’s a bit like what happened to me!” he added, finally adding: “I’ve never gotten a single euro from you in all these years! You have to explain to me what the hell I owe you?!? You have to explain to me what I do with followers?! No, because I miss it. The truth is that from now on I will only use social media to make money. In the end, it’s the only right way!”

Martina Nasoni: “Call for a surprise for Daniele Dal Moro at GF Vip, then everything was canceled”