Danni Suzuki Leticia Spiller Regina Case and other artists took

Danni Suzuki, Letícia Spiller, Regina Casé and other artists took part in the funeral service of Rico Tavares

Actresses Danni Suzuki, Leticia Spiller and Regina Casé, as well as other artists, were present at the memorial service for makeup artist Rico Tavares, who died on Friday the 15th at the age of 46. The farewell ceremony took place in the afternoon of this Saturday. on the 16th at the Memorial Campo da Paz in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area.

+ Makeup artist Rico Tavares dies three weeks after a serious accident

How did it happen:

  • Actor Dudu Azevedo, actress Paula Burlamaqui and presenter Cynthia Howlett were also there to say goodbye to the makeup artist;
  • Rico Tavares was run over on August 22 in the Vista Alegre neighborhood of São Gonçalo (RJ). For this reason, the makeup artist had to remain in a coma and was dependent on breathing machines;
  • However, three weeks later he did not survive and died of cardiac arrest. His family was approached by experts from the hospital’s Organ and Tissue Donation Commission for Transplantation at the Alberto Torres State Hospital and decided to donate the corneas. The organs were not donated because he had not joined the brain death protocol;
  • In addition to mentoring several celebrities, Rico became known for creating campaigns, commercials and films, as well as appearing on television shows such as “The Voice”, “Esquenta” and some on GNT.

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