Datena cries at the hardest news of her life Very

Datena cries at the hardest news of her life: “Very sad”

Datena collapsed after breaking the worst news of her life

Command the daily Brazil UrgentDatena has the difficult task of bringing often devastating news to the public and even to journalists.

However, some tragedies hit the journalist so hard that they made it impossible for him to hold back his tears, like the case of the loss of Ricardo Boechat🇧🇷

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2019, after a tragic helicopter crash, fellow journalist Ricardo Boechat died along with the pilot Ronaldo Quattruci.

Datena, a close friend of Boechat’s, couldn’t help but announce what had happened to Brazil. With tears streaming down his face, he opened his heart and accepted that this was one of the worst days of his life.

Datena is the moderator of Brasil Urgente (Photo: Reproduction / Band)

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“Brazilian television’s greatest presenter, Ricardo Boechat, died today in a helicopter crash on the Rodoanel in São Paulo. He went to Campinas to give a lecture. The helicopter he was in didn’t reach its destination, that was Band’s helipad,” he said.

Datena tearfully announced the death of Ricardo Boechat at BandDatena shared the tearful death of Ricardo Boechat on tape. Photo: reproduction


After breaking the news, Datena opened his heart and revealed that this was a very sad moment, not only for him but for the entire Bandeirantes group and for journalism in Brazil.

“It is a very sad moment for Grupo Bandeirantes de Comunicação, for the Band family and for Brazilian journalism,” Datena said.

He then praised the journalist: “Boechat was undoubtedly the greatest journalist in the country. One of the great references in the history of Brazilian journalism,” he said, already touched.

Finally, Datena defined the loss as if it were a loved one: “It’s like I, like we lost a loved one, and to us he was really dear, a special person,” he said.

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