1664791161 Daughter calls her father in tears quotHelp me Im in

Daughter calls her father in tears: "Help me! I’m in prison in Tehran, Iran…" Tusciaweb.eu Tuscia Web

Rome – Dramatic appeal from Alberto Piperno on Facebook: “We hadn’t heard from Alessia for days” – hours of fear for the girl’s fate

by Daniel Camilli

Rome – A daughter calls her father in tears after he has not been alive for days. “I am in prison in Tehran. In Iran “. Then nothing more, no further news or anything to hold on to. The daughter’s name is Alessia, she is just 30 years old. The father is Alberto Piperno, a Roman. His appeal started last night on Facebook.

Alesia Piperno

Alesia Piperno

“This girl is Alessia Piperno and she is my daughter – Piperno writes on her profile and posts her daughter’s photo -. She is a lonely traveler, she travels the world to learn about the customs and traditions of peoples. She has always adapted and respected the traditions and, in some cases, the commitments of each country she visited. We hadn’t heard from him for 4 days since his 30th birthday on September 28th. The last time he accessed his mobile phone also bears this date. A call comes in this morning. It was she who wept, warning us that she was in prison. In Tehran. In Iran”.

Alberto Piperno's appeal on his Facebook page

Alberto Piperno’s appeal on his Facebook page

In Iran, the recent death of Mahsa Amini, the young woman arrested by religious police for wearing the hijab “in an inappropriate way”, sparked nationwide protests.

Albert Piperno

Albert Piperno

“She was arrested by the police along with her friends – her father’s appeal continues on Facebook – when she was about to celebrate her birthday. It was only a few words, but desperate. He asked for help. We immediately moved with the Farnesina, we called the Italian embassy in Tehran. But we still don’t know anything, not even the reason for the detention. They tell us that they are moving… And we parents and Brother David cannot stand with our hands. You can’t stop when a kid says to you “Please help me”… I’m not a photo poster and I rarely use social media, but today I couldn’t help it… I want it to be known and for this message to reach as many people as possible as possible, you might find the right one who can help us”.

Alessia and Alberto Piperno

Alessia and Alberto Piperno

Finally, a post by Alessia Piperno on her Facebook page on May 7th when she was in Pakistan.

“During these last six years of travelling, I realized that it was not me who chose the countries I would go to, it was they who called me. I don’t collect passport stamps and if you ask me I don’t know how many countries I’ve visited because it’s not the number, it’s the experience, it’s the smells, it’s the feeling of being one with a country what really matters. I arrived in Pakistan two weeks ago as a single woman with no guide, many told me I was unconscious but inside I knew we were being bombarded with misconceptions about this country. And thankfully, I listened to my voice, just my damn voice. And here I am, in the heart of one of my most beautiful journeys, between the most hospitable and generous people I have ever met, between the noise of Lahore and the flies of Islamabad, between the valleys of Swat and Chitral and between a nature that never told about this part of the world. In a few days I’ll be heading even further north, where a motorbike and the peaks of the Himalayas await me. I am writing this post for two reasons. The first is that I want to show you the beauties of this country. The second is to tell you, “Don’t listen to him.” Do not listen to those who allow themselves to speak badly about this country and if you have a desire to visit Pakistan, do not think twice, come here and you will realize how much magic in one country can be hidden. “.

Daniel Camilli

October 3, 2022