Daughter of a Maracucha and an Aguilas player New Miss

Daughter of a Maracucha and an Águilas player: New Miss USA is of Venezuelan origin NTN24

Venezuela could almost be said to have another crown of beauty after youth Noelia Voigt will win Miss United States because she is the daughter of a Maracucha and an American who played for the Águilas del Zulia.

This beautiful 23-year-old woman with green eyes was born in Florida but won the Miss USA pageant representing Utah.

Before the competition, Noelia Voigt gave one Interview with the YouTube channel “Panas en Utah”. “I will also win Miss USA, representing the United States and Venezuela.”

In the same interview, he revealed details about his parents, For example, his mother’s name is Jacqueline Briceño and she comes from Maracaibo, Capital of Zulia State and His father, Jack Voigt, is American and played for Águilas del Zulia.

Not only did he play with the rapacious team, but also He was coach of the Navegantes del Magallanes.

At the age of six he traveled to Caracas, Valencia and Margarita.

Before he won, he was a finalist twice and said he cried and looked at his family because they didn’t make it.

However, things were different on the night of September 29th and after answering a question, they announced that they had won the competition.

Noelia Voigt said that she enjoys dancing salsa and joropoBoth rhythms are deeply rooted in Venezuelan and Latin American culture.

In Venezuela, she became trending on social media immediately after her coronation, and everyone emphasizes that it was her inclusive response that made it possible.