Dave Mustaine posts note about Kiko Loureiros departure from Megadeth

Dave Mustaine posts note about Kiko Loureiro’s departure from Megadeth but deletes it Igor Miranda

Megadeth released a statement signed by band leader Dave Mustaine regarding the exclusion of Brazilian guitarist Kiko Loureiro from the band’s activities. The note remained on social media for a few minutes until it was deleted.



Despite the removal, the content remains available on journalist Mitch Lafon’s site. In the text, Mustaine describes Loureiro’s situation as an “extended vacation” and confirms that Teemu Mäntysaari will continue in his role, but strikes a farewell tone as he asks fans to support the Brazilian’s “next endeavors.”

Read more below.

“Last week I received a call from my partner Kiko Loureiro and we had a little chat. I asked how things were going with the important matters that led to his absence from the previous tour, which was necessary so he could be with his family.

I would now like to update you on what Kiko shared with me. But before that, I want to tell you that I love, respect and fully support Kiko’s decision. He emphasized his love for me, for Megadeth and for all of you, our fans.

I remember that Kiko had to leave the tour last August to attend to very important and private family matters. He was conflicted but grateful when I told him he had to take care of his family. He agreed, but was still worried about us i.e. the fans and Megadeth. I told him then: ‘Come on! Kiko, you will never get this time with your family back, I know that… I paid the price myself.” In the end he agreed.

Kiko is a firstclass professional, a maestro and he didn’t want to hurt me or Megadeth. We found a solution to find a replacement for him during this time and then he introduced and trained Teemu Mäntysaari to take our place. This would initially only happen until the first week of October 2023. However, things rarely go as planned.

The 2023 Tour is over and it was long and arduous. It looks like 2024 is going to be even more intense, with extensive touring commitments that will keep us on the road for most of the year.

We had many conversations with Kiko about it and they were all very positive. Kiko will be taking an extended leave of absence next year due to our extensive touring commitments and we will continue with Teemu Mäntysaari as Megadeth guitarist.

I would like to thank Kiko for his dedication and hard work over the last nine years, which helped us win a Grammy for “Dystopia” and the additional awards we won for this latest album “The Sick, The Dying… and The Dead”.

I couldn’t have done it without Kiko Loureiro. We hope you all support Kiko in his next endeavors and look forward to seeing you at Killing Road next year. We have exciting plans that we would like to share with you all in our next newsletter.

Dave Mustaine


The tone Mustaine adopted was the same as Loureiro’s in his statement. Read the note in full:

“I would like to share a decision that was not easy for me.

In September I had to cancel the American tour for family reasons. In 2024 there will be an even bigger schedule with Megadeth. After consideration and discussions with Dave Mustaine and the Megadeth team, we agree that extending my absence is the right move. I don’t want to disrupt the band’s plans or the hard work of the great people involved.

My 9 years at Megadeth were incredible, with many pinchme moments. Unforgettable tours, a Grammy for “Dystopia,” another Grammy nomination and high praise for “The Sick, the Dying and the Dead” were just a few of the highlights. I know that any heavy metal fan can understand how incredible it is to play and make music with a band that you grew up with as a child and share the stage with guitar legends like Dave Mustaine as well as incredible musicians like James LoMenzo and Dirk Verbeuren and the team is incredible.

The best part of those nine years, however, was being able to meet Megadeth’s incredible team of loyal fans around the world. Your commitment is inspiring and I have great admiration and respect for all of you.

All the best, see you soon!”

Kiko Loureiro and Megadeth

Kiko Loureiro joined Megadeth in 2015, taking the place of current In Flames member Chris Broderick. He has recorded two studio albums: “Dystopia” (2016) and “The Sick, the Dying… and the Dead!” (2022). Both reached number 3 on the Billboard 200, the most important chart in the United States.

Tour of Latin America

Megadeth will tour Latin America next April. Brazil will have a unique date in São Paulo. The presentation will take place on April 18th at Espaço Unimed. Tickets are on sale.

Here is the complete itinerary:

  • 04/06 Lima, Peru
  • 09/04 Santiago, Chile
  • 04/11 Montevideo, Uruguay
  • April 13th Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • April 16th Asuncion, Paraguay
  • April 18th Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • April 21st Bogotá, Colombia
  • April 23rd San Salvador, El Salvador
  • April 25th Mexico City, Mexico
  • April 27th Monterrey, Mexico

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