DAVID MARCUS Migrant shelters are overcrowded a border crisis threatens

DAVID MARCUS: Migrant shelters are overcrowded, a border crisis threatens to explode, but AOC is AWOL

It’s lights, camera, action on America’s southern border. But the progressive heroine, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, is nowhere to be seen.

That’s curious. Usually she can’t resist a close-up.

This Sunday, all major network news focused on a humanitarian crisis poised to erupt along the U.S.-Mexico border as the last remnant of President Donald Trump’s illegal immigration policies are about to be scrapped.

President Joe Biden is now reportedly scrambling to create a new emergency policy before Title 42, a public health regulation that allows border police to quickly expel migrants, is lifted on Wednesday.

But it looks like too little too late.

A record-breaking 4.4 million illegal immigrants, or roughly the population of Croatia, have already entered the US during the Biden administration, and southern border states are crying uncles.

El Paso’s Democratic mayor has declared a state of emergency over fears his city will be overwhelmed. California Gov. Gavin Newsom, with lustful eyes for the White House itself, says his state’s immigration system is on the verge of “collapse.”

Texas GOP Rep. Tony Gonzalez took to CBS News this weekend to fully expose the rapidly deteriorating situation at migrant shelters.

“What I saw shocked me and I wanted to share that with the world,” he said as CBS News played his cellphone video from an El Paso border facility.

Gonzalez said 500 men and women were packed into 100-person rooms, with a toilet shared between them.

Where oh where is AOC when you need her?  Where's the champion of the people to call this travesty?  (Top) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stands at the Tornillo-Guadalupe Port of Entry Gate on June 24, 2018 in Tornillo, Texas

Where oh where is AOC when you need her? Where’s the champion of the people to call this travesty? (Top) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stands at the Tornillo-Guadalupe Port of Entry Gate on June 24, 2018 in Tornillo, Texas

El Paso's Democratic mayor has declared a state of emergency over fears his city will be overwhelmed.  (Above) El Paso, Texas, sees an overwhelming wave of migrants arriving at its border with Mexico as Title 42 expires.  The image above is from December 18, 2022

El Paso’s Democratic mayor has declared a state of emergency over fears his city will be overwhelmed. (Above) El Paso, Texas, sees an overwhelming wave of migrants arriving at its border with Mexico as Title 42 expires. The image above is from December 18, 2022

“The smell is terrible,” he said. Some migrants had no socks. Others were without jackets and temperatures are about to plummet.

‘That’s the reality. Those are the facts. We’re not even at our worst,” Gonzalez warned.

Thank God for this first-hand testimony, otherwise we might never have known. As CBS News noted, journalists were not allowed to film in these facilities. If Trump were still president, that alone would be grounds for impeachment.

Where oh where is AOC when you need her? Where’s the champion of the people to call this travesty?

Just four years ago, the congresswoman and part-time influencer was literally crying in front of an immigration officer in Texas. The moment, captured by a photographer (whose pictures she helpfully retweeted) showing her dressed in white, the pain on her face.

Where is AOC now? Won’t she think of the children?

no This weekend, she had flirty Twitter spats with Elon Musk and posted videos of herself watching football.

So what has changed?

The border was like Mecca for Democrats during the Trump era, an almost religious pilgrimage to smack the president. Now it’s like they can’t even find it on a map.

President Biden, whose adamant refusal to visit the border is just plain bizarre, said he had “more important things to do” while he was 45 minutes away in Phoenix to speak at a computer chip factory.

Texas GOP Rep. Tony Gonzalez took to CBS News this weekend to fully expose the rapidly deteriorating migrant shelter situation (above).

Texas GOP Rep. Tony Gonzalez took to CBS News this weekend to fully expose the rapidly deteriorating migrant shelter situation (above).

Gonzalez said 500 men and women were packed into 100-person rooms, with a toilet shared between them.

Gonzalez said 500 men and women were packed into 100-person rooms, with a toilet shared between them.

1671480465 487 DAVID MARCUS Migrant shelters are overcrowded a border crisis threatens

“What I saw shocked me and I wanted to share that with the world,” he said as CBS News played his cellphone video from an El Paso border facility.

Vice President Kamala Harris, our border tsarina, says things will get better when countries like Honduras and Nicaragua become well-functioning governments. So basically never.

Remember the infamous photo of migrant children in cages? The moral outrage over the evil, racist Orange Man? And then remember how the photo turned out to be taken of overcrowded migrant shelters during the Obama administration?

Remember when we had some semblance of border security under Trump?

Perhaps the reason AOC is holding back is because they’ve been pushing for it all along.

“What are you going to do with the immigration law to secure the southern border?” asked a retired AOC firefighter during an event in her home county in October.

The answer – essentially nothing.

“It is legal to apply for asylum at the border with the United States. It’s legal. It’s legal. It is legal to apply for asylum,” she said.

Technically, of course, she’s right. But she knows as well as anyone that the US asylum system is abused. At this point, it almost seems like a lack of vegan snacks in one’s own country would be enough to raise the low bar to be considered.

Migrants are appearing on the southern border in once unimaginable numbers. And a large majority of asylum seekers are actually not eligible, according to former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson. Despite this, they cross the border and many are released inland.

Well, AOC doesn’t want their fingerprints on it. It won’t affect their constituents…right?

Well, not exactly.

New York City’s Democratic Mayor Eric Adams is now asking the federal government for help, warning that he could start cutting public services as more migrants start to appear in the Big Apple because the city can’t afford either.

“Our protection system is full and we are almost out of money, staff and space. To be honest, unless corrective action is taken soon, we could very well be forced to trim or cut programs that New Yorkers are relying on, and the path to accommodating thousands more is uncertain,” Adams said in a statement On Sunday. “I’ll say it again — we need a plan, we need support, and we need it now.”

A record-breaking 4.4 million illegal immigrants, or roughly the population of Croatia, have already entered the US during the Biden administration, and southern border states are crying uncles.

A record-breaking 4.4 million illegal immigrants, or roughly the population of Croatia, have already entered the US during the Biden administration, and southern border states are crying uncles.

AOC, Biden, Harris, they all have to go to the border, stand in front of a camera and tell America what they're going to do to fix this.  No crying, no posing, just a plan.

AOC, Biden, Harris, they all have to go to the border, stand in front of a camera and tell America what they’re going to do to fix this. No crying, no posing, just a plan.

So, I ask again, where is AOC? Why doesn’t a Democrat want to be anywhere near the border where this misery unfolds?

That’s because they’ve lied for two long years about the border being safe, there’s no crisis and border agents whipping migrants.

To be seen there would show that Democrats have been AWOL for years as this humanitarian catastrophe builds.

The only time since Trump left office that Democrats have even mentioned illegal immigration was when a busload of migrants arrived in tony-progressive Martha’s Vineyard and other liberal enclaves, courtesy of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida- Governor Ron DeSantis.

“They’re using immigrants like pawns,” the Democrats wail, but isn’t that exactly what they’ve been doing themselves?

The hypocritical hypocrisy of all this is startling and infuriating.

It doesn’t matter that fentanyl crosses the border with the migrants or that malicious cartels profit from human smuggling. For the open-border progressives in the Democratic Party, it’s well worth it.

AOC, Biden, Harris, they all have to go to the border, stand in front of a camera and tell America what they’re going to do to fix this. No crying, no posing, just a plan.