

I know the power of addiction. His initial joys lasted a long time. Also the brutalization that they enforce in the end. I observe the constant struggle with their smartphones and other technological marvels in the crowds that populate the streets, and I suspect that these devices, without which existence today is unthinkable, accompany them tirelessly at home and even in their dreams, which are the essential tools for something called life or survival. Right now, the Infinite Addicts don’t have the zombie’s predatory aspirations, they don’t devour those who aren’t like them. They only ignore, despise, or run over them when they cross their selfish path. But everything will come.

I’m finding that there are more and more series starring The Walking Dead. They seem to enjoy a large audience. I can’t get past the second chapter. However, in my isolated existence, I continue to devour the films, books, music and series that brought me something like happiness. And unlike me, these miracles are not outdated. They continue to cause priceless sensations in me. In times of desolation, they become the table for the shipwrecked.

I find out that David Simon, the Shakespearean creator of The Wire, has been fired from HBO after working there for 25 years. For taking part in the writers’ strike. A good time to return to your masterpiece even if you visit it every year. Never before has such a clear and bitter document about the invulnerability of the system and corruption as the norm been filmed with so much talent, truth, nuance, emotion, poor presenter and complexity. But the system can be scratched by pros, by brave losers looking to shake things up a bit. The Wire embodies the usual paradise.

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