Davigo da Fedez that disappointment when a suspect commits suicide

Davigo da Fedez, that disappointment when a suspect commits suicide: “It happens that you lose him as a source of information” The video

We talk about the Tangentopoli season at Muschelo Selvaggio, where Fedez interviewed the former prosecutor of the Mani Pulite pool Piercamillo Davigo. And it is the former judge's statements that sparked the controversy on social media when the interview concerns the various suicide cases among the suspects in the Milan pool. After talking about the case of entrepreneur Raul Gardini, Fedez asks Davigo how he experienced these events on a human level. And the former prosecutor answers, apparently without remorse: “Unfortunately, in this profession, as gross as it is, it happens that defendants commit suicide.” Mortality from suicide is higher in prison than outside.” Davigo then adds: “The Percentage of suicides compared to the number of suspects was lower… compared to the number of suicides in prisons and compared to the number of prisoners.” Davigo's argument about suicides among suspects then comes to the clarification: “I know what I'm going to say , is unpleasant, but it is the truth.” We must be clear: the consequences of crimes fall on those who commit them, not those who discover and suppress them. Because otherwise the argument would lead to saying: Then the investigation won't take place.” When Fedez then asks Davigo whether he would at least be sorry if some of the people he investigated took their own lives, the answer is dry : “Of course he is sorry … Firstly, if someone decides to commit suicide, you lose him as a source of information ». Fedez himself is surprised by the former prosecutor's reaction and repeats: “You were always so unbreakable.” I say: from a human perspective, a little disappointment?” Davigo is not upset: “Of course you have a little regret, but human pity is still there, but you have to keep the tiller steady.”

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