The US Department of Justice announced this Friday (17th) through an official statement that it has charged two men, including a Brazilian, with a corruption and money laundering scheme involving employees of the Brazilian stateowned company Petrobras. The case is already being investigated by the FBI, the federal police force there.
Glenn Oztemel, 64, a Connecticut U.S. citizen, and Eduardo Innecco, 73, a Brazilian and Italian citizen, are charged with conspiracy, repeated violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and money laundering to pay bribes to Brazilian employees to secure contracts with them to win Petrobras.
The FBI is investigating the effects of the current scheme and the “coconspirators” of the defendants.
During the election campaign, PT Lula, who does not recognize the Petrolão program, even admitted that there was corruption in Petrobras during his government, but did not admit involvement of his own or political agents of his party or allied base. extensively documented by Operation Lava Jato, by the Federal Police.
“My version is that some Petrobras director who realized he stole paid the price. I can’t say there hasn’t been corruption if people have reported it,” he said at the time.