Deadly explosion Sechoirs de Beauce charged with negligence

Deadly explosion: Séchoirs de Beauce charged with negligence

The fire that devastated the factory broke out on September 20, 2021. Three of the workers who were in the building at the time succumbed to their injuries after being hospitalized.

They are Mario Morin, 57, from Beauceville, Jean Lachance, 51, and Martin Roy, 50, both from Saint-Georges.

The indictment was filed at the Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce courthouse on May 19. They were first reported by Noovo.

The document lists three cases of criminal negligence resulting in death and five cases of criminal negligence resulting in bodily harm.

Alleged Violations

The police investigation revealed alleged acts or omissions by the two companies which have been shown to have had an impact […] with regard to the life and safety of workers, specifies Martine Savard, prosecutor at the DPCP.

If found guilty, the company faces a fine. She could also be put on probation during which changes related to workplace safety and health might be needed, says Me Savard.

In 2004, the Criminal Code was amended by Federal Bill C-45. Since then, employers have had a legal obligation to ensure occupational safety and health protection for employees, which makes it much easier for companies to file criminal charges.

Switch on the light

I am happy. “On the one hand, I hope that it will bear fruit for the deceased that they did not die in vain,” responded Suzy Roy, the sister of one of the deceased, Martin Roy.

She wants the events to be cleared up. It can’t be that three people died. Something happened, but we don’t know what. I think we’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel to find out what happened in the explosion.

“I said it, and I’ll say it again: it’s for my brother’s memory and for the new employees who work there. Regardless of whether it is this company or another, safety in the workplace is important for people to get home at night. »

— A quote from Suzy Roy, sister of Martin Roy

She will attend the trial if there is one. I am sure that I will be there […] in memory of my brother.

The union welcomes the decision

We welcome the DPCP’s decision to press charges, said François Cardinal, United Steelworkers workers’ representative.

While he remains reluctant when asked to comment on the allegations against Séchoirs de Beauce and Bois ouvré, he underscores the snowball effect of such a decision.

“We hope this will elicit more than one response,” said Mr. Cardinal on the subject of occupational health and safety. Prevention before production […]. It is a very important message being sent. I hope that employers will take this very seriously.