DEAR ABBY: I am a shareholder in a small company. The other shareholders don’t like me. It’s not due to performance or personality issues. That’s because they’re a gang and I don’t live in their town. I will be retiring soon. Traditionally there is a retirement dinner with speeches. Any talk of them would be false. For me, a speech about the positive aspects of working with the company would be very, very short. I would prefer not to have a retirement dinner. What should I do? — SHAREHOLDER IN THE SOUTH
DEAR SHAREHOLDER: Tell the other shareholders (politely) that you know that when a shareholder leaves the company there is traditionally a farewell dinner, but you prefer to skip it and simply plan to leave the company at the end of your final day. Period.
Dear Abby: The man mourns the loss of his sister and his significant other feels offended
Dear Abby: Widow worries about marrying gambling man
Dear Abby: The man wants his ex-wife to be his current girlfriend
Dear Abby: My husband sneezes very loudly and it’s kind of embarrassing
Dear Abby: A woman with a 6-month-old says her husband seems disgusted with her since the third trimester
Dear Abby was written by Abigail Van Buren, aka Jeanne Phillips, and founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or PO Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
For a collection of Abby’s most memorable—and most requested—poems and essays, mail your name, mailing address, and an $8 check or money order to: Dear Abby – Keepers Booklet, PO Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Shipping and packaging are included in the price.)
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