Death of Andrea Purgatori, the autopsy will be carried out on Wednesday | Doubts about the diagnosis

July 22, 2023 1:26 p.m

The autopsy examination will provide important answers to the doubts related to the diagnosis of his illness

Italy Photo Press

The autopsy on the body of Andrew Purgatori An inquest will be conducted on Wednesday to determine the journalist’s physical condition and causes of death. A CT scan will be performed on Tuesday. The Public Prosecutor’s Office has entrusted the autopsy examination, which, if necessary, will be followed by a second technical consultation: in fact, the need for further examinations to verify the correctness of the diagnosis can be based on the findings made in particular in the Pius XI Clinic. tests carried out cannot be ruled out.

The Forensic Institute of the Tor Vergata Polyclinic was entrusted with conducting the investigation. The questions of the examinations include checking the presence of metastases, where and at what stage, as well as possible traces of ischemia and their severity. In addition, the exact cause of death in connection with septic pericarditis is checked.

The various diagnoses – The autopsy will therefore provide important answers as to the cause of death. The aim is, as requested by family members in a complaint, to determine what caused Purgatori’s death within a few weeks and whether there were any errors in both the diagnosis and the treatments given.

A story that is actually consumed in three months. According to family members, supported by lawyers Michele and Alessandro Gentiloni Silveri, the conductor of Atlantis, exhausted, went to a private clinic on April 24 for examinations. However, the instrumental tests provide unbalanced parameters and a biopsy is also performed. The news then moves to another specialized structure, but from where comes the dramatic diagnosis, and here we are at the beginning of May: a form of cancer that has spread to different parts of the body, the lungs and the brain. This was announced by one of the two doctors who ended up in the suspect register. Massive radiation therapy is then immediately ordered, which the journalist carries out in a third clinic.

Conditions remain stable until mid-May, Purgatori continues to work on recording an episode of the Atlantis broadcast, but then the picture begins to deteriorate. The trials he undergoes come with elements of encouragement, but Purgatori continues to feel bad, and it only gets worse. In June he undergoes a CT scan at the first clinic he visited in April. The report, again in line with what the family members report in the complaint, is unexpected: no traces of brain metastases, only traces of cerebral ischemia. An image also confirmed by another MRI in a different structure.

However, the former Corriere della Sera journalist’s conditions continue to deteriorate. He is being treated as an inpatient in one of the capital’s polyclinics. There the first diagnosis for the family members is confirmed. According to family members, this was announced by one of the signers of the report published in early May with the first dramatic diagnosis. Purgatori died a few days later.

The infection hypothesis – According to reports from La Repubblica, the journalist’s death was caused by an infection “which would have struck him when he was at his weakest”. The autopsy will therefore be decisive for clarifying the doubts.





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