Death of Louis Georges Dupont The family turns to the city

Death of Louis-Georges Dupont: The family turns to the city of Trois-Rivières –

There has been a mystery in Trois-Rivières for 54 years: the death of police officer Louis-Georges Dupont. His family is asking the city of Trois-Rivières to recognize his death in the line of duty.

Detective Sergeant Louis-Georges Dupont was found dead in his car in 1969.

“If the trench coat is full of mud, that confirms that he didn't die in the car but was killed somewhere else,” said his son Robert Dupont, showing photos of his late father.

He believes he was killed because he exposed corrupt former colleagues. Mr. Dupont now hopes “that the Trois-Rivières police today realize that there was a mistake back then and that the police service is clean today and that they will not put up with it.”

Mayor Jean Lamarche does not want to respond to the Dupont family's request for the time being.

However, two local councilors were present at the press conference organized by the family and said they agreed to add the name of Louis-Georges Dupont to the list of police officers who died in the line of duty.

“It is certain that at the beginning of 2024 I intend to move forward with this dossier so that the family can finally mourn,” testified Pierre Montreuil, councilor of the Carmel district.

“I think the proof is in and the city needs to move forward and really honor Officer Dupont and somewhere ask forgiveness from Officer Dupont's family for holding on to this all these years,” said La-Vérendrye District Councilman Dany Carpentier.

Former police officer Stéphane Berthomet has been investigating the death of police officer Dupont for eight years and continues to discover new revelations.

“I think that with all of these elements, at some point in time, we still have to assume that they are valid and exist.” These are not insults. So, yes, the suicide theory seems consistent. But when we look at the murder hypothesis with all of its initial elements, I don't understand why we come to the conclusion that it was suicide.”

While his brother and sister died last year, Robert Dupont admits he is exhausted by his family's struggle.

“I'm at my limit. The government must assume its responsibility and the city must assume its responsibility,” he concluded.